The Stocking is out of my life...for now! This picture was taken before steam blocking. I failed to take one afterwards as I was so anxious to get it to it's owner before something unforeseen happened. Fortunately (for you), I have two more chances to show you.
My Zipper Sock - decreasing the gusset stitches and loving this pattern!
Hong Kong Garden Sweater - Really excited how this is turning out! Alot of knitting left but very mindless!
CeCe Cardigan I'm doing as part of the Knitmore Girls KAL This is a enjoyable knit which uses a good portion of your brain without making you crazy. Sorry but I tried every angle and just couldn't make this sweater look attractive in the picture. It's much prettier in person.
My little lion and sweet alligator on Halloween.
Congratulation Gail (Cottontail on Ravelry) for winning the Name the Pirate contest with your submission "Knit Knickers" Nick. I hope you enjoyed your "yarn"!!
My sweet Polly Pocket Wheel is getting her final touches and will be on her way to me soon!! I can't wait to meet her!
Nugan Estate Vision Riverina Chardonnay Fresh aromas of peach and melon layered with cinnamon, nutmeg and vanillin spice.
This one didn't thrill us but it was priced right. Under $10
Up for trade - Child's size 6 raglan pullover sweater, handknit in Valley Yarns Northampton Bulky yarn. The sweater is nearly complete and the owner of the sweater has located the extra yarn and is sending it to me. So the sweater will come with enough yarn to complete it. The sweater is knit from Ann Budd's Handy Book of Sweater Patterns on size 11 needles.
We will be accepting trades for the next couple of weeks so get your trades in. If you leave a trade in the comments section below, please do include your email.
Thanks for listening!!
Two things: I gave Rick a dashboard "high five" when he said "I'd rather have a stalker" when it came to the topic of social media. As the hold out among my friends who does not tweet, face, link-in--I am going to have that put on a bumper sticker.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I will trade California wine for the sweater--IF, someone will finish it for charity. (Let's just say I KNOW people living up here in the Bay Area--Napa!) I am a new knitter and I want someone to get wear out of it...not get beat up for over it. And, the finisher CANNOT be Carin. You are welcome, Rick.
Thanks for a great,
Allie in Alameda (Craftpuppy on Ravelry)
Really? 2 more stockings? Really?
ReplyDeleteAt the moment I'm being asked to knit something that I don't have the time or inclination to knit by someone I love & I'm trying to avoid it. I need my knitting to be fun.
Thank you Carin and Rick! I LOVE the yarn and tickled Knit Knickers Nick was picked to be famous! Can't wait for the next show and I'd listen to a daily show not related to knitting if Rick had the time or inclination. I'd imagine whatever endeavor would be hilarious. Just don't stop the Knit Wits. Aarrhh!
ReplyDeleteI love your podcast. It always puts a smile on my face. I am in the process of knitting a sweater for a co-worker's 97 year old about a time constraint! I am knitting it in every spare moment and have gotten really good at sneaking it in most places....although my family did say no to taking it into the pub last weekend.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning -
ReplyDeleteI, like everyone else, love, love the Podcast!!!!
I listened at 3:45 a.m. to show 9 and Carin you mentioned the needle that you love that has a curve to it - what did you call it? You used it for your cable work on the zipper sock.
Thank you for your help in this.
Anxious to hear show 10 today when I get home - love the new Pirate name.
Lady Beverly
To answer one of your Twitter questions, your followers can give you "Mentions" which you can then access by clicking the @username button on the right column under the home link if you're using the old version of Twitter, and if you're using the new version, it's the @Mentions button in the middle column.
ReplyDeleteAlso, thanks for ruining the ending of Lost for me in show 9...It's not like I was working my way through the whole series or anything...
For what it's worth, I know AmyD and can attest to her knitting ability! She is a fantastic knitter and a wonderful person. Anyone who traded for that sweater would definitely be getting the better end of the deal.